Dashboard and launching applications from the browser in the new version 9.9 of LANState Pro

Today, we have released an update for 10-Strike LANState, the network management, administration, and monitoring program in which we have paid much attention to the web interface of the Pro version. Let’s talk a little about it.

Launching applications from the browser

As you know, the program has a customizable context menu available for all map hosts, which allows you to run various external commands and applications with parameters (like the host name). The same menu is implemented in the web interface. However, the execution of those menu items that call external executable files of the .exe type is not allowed by default in web browsers. Previously, this could be bypassed by the security settings of Internet Explorer (IE) up to and including the version 11. But this browser no longer exists, and Edge has appeared instead, which runs on the Chromium technology. That is, the ActiveX framework is no longer available in it.

We have developed an alternative way to launch applications from any browsers through the Agent (the special application). It registers its own protocol in the system and launches applications specified in the link of the context menu item. The agent must be installed wherever you are going to use the host icon menu through the web interface. Without the agent, menu items that are configured to call external commands and applications will not work.

The agent is included in the program distribution. The installation file is located in the folder: c:\Program Files (x86)\10-Strike LANState Pro\Agent\. It can also be downloaded from our website: https://www.10-strike.com/lanstate/download.shtml

After the installation, the first time you call an external command from the Actions user menu, you will see a request in the browser to allow the agent to open links. Check the Always allow… box and click the Open LANState agent… button. After that, all items in your menu will work.launching applications from any browsers through the Agent app

Convenient dashboard

Now you can observe the change of monitoring parameters not only on the charts, but also on the indicators. They are displayed on a common panel (dashboard), which can be placed on a separate monitor – this window does not interfere with working with other program dialogs. Each indicator can display only one monitoring parameter. Indicators are created automatically – one for each host check, which receives the value of any parameter during operation.dashboard with monitoring indicators and widgets

The appearance of the indicator, the description of the monitoring parameter and its units of measurement can be configured in the monitoring check parameters, in the Display on charts section. Indicators can be moved and arranged in any order. You can also create a custom dashboard that would display check indicators for different hosts. Sets of indicators can be saved and loaded later.

Indicators on the map

These indicators for the monitored parameters can now be created on the map with two clicks via the host’s context menu item Create check indicators. For each check of this host, its own indicator will be automatically created next to the icon.

View logs

We also made working with program logs more convenient. New filters are available, loading is faster, search is faster. By the way, Syslog and SNMP trap log entries are now saved separately from the alarm log.tools for viewing the monitoring log

Direct link to the map on the web

By default, the web interface displays all maps opened in the program. But if you specify the map name in the URL, you can only open one map, without the ability to switch to another.

For example:


This link will open only one map in the browser with the name demo_map_en.lsm. In this case, the map selection menu on the left will be hidden, the list of all checks and the alarm log will not be available.

All changes in a list:
  • Now the program has a dashboard for displaying dynamically changing parameters of host checks. Now you can monitor the status of hosts with convenient and intuitive indicators and sensors. When you click on a sensor, the program opens a more detailed chart of this parameter’s changes in time.
  • Pro, web: Applications can now be launched via the custom Actions menu in all popular browsers. To do this, you need to install the agent that comes in the installation package (or can be downloaded from our website).
  • Pro, web: Added search by lines and areas.
  • Pro, web: Added the ability to display only one map in the web by a direct link to it.
  • Added tools for working with the program logs (searching, filtering).
  • Pro: Added separate logs for the SNMP trap and Syslog events and entries.
  • Pro: Added recording all incoming Syslog and SNMP traps, regardless of the filter settings.
  • Pro: Added processing and displaying of the generic, specific, and uptime parameters to SNMP trap.
  • Host check indicators on the map can now be quickly created using the context menu item “Create check indicators”.
  • Added a setting that disables the redirect processing to the HTTP(S) check.
  • Pro: Fixed applying the format template to areas on the network map. It did not change the color of the area border.
  • Fixed the authorization error in the SSH check in some Linux distributions.
  • Fixed the “hangup” of the traffic speed check when the host is unavailable.
  • Fixed a bug when sending messages to Syslog, leading to the replacement of some characters with “:”.
  • Fixed the map loading error in the web interface in the presence of check indicators.
  • Fixed saving captions of horizontal and vertical lines in graphic files.
  • Pro, web: Fixed the error of opening maps duplicated using the “Save as …” function in the web interface (issues with widgets, lines, and areas).
  • Pro, web: Removed the web interface connection log.

You can download the new version here: https://www.10-strike.com/lanstate/download.shtml