Please send your questions to our support team.
I added a user to the black list but he still can read my folders. Why is that?
Sometimes, I see the ::1 computer in the access list. What is it?
Q: How to monitor the file deletion/creation? The program's log file does not contain records about these events.
A: File and folder deletion can be detected but this feature is not enabled by default. You need to configure the creation/deletion alert for a monitored folder. If you want to detect who deleted or created a file in a share, you will need to enable the share access audit in the system. Learn more about this...
Please note that the program will also detect the file deletion performed by a local user too.
To enable the file deletion/creation please do the following:
If you have enabled the file deletion/creation monitoring, but it does not work in the Pro version, please read this topic.
Q: The program does not display names of persons (or their computer names) who deleted or created files. Why is this? I need to know who deleted my file.
A: Please check the above question. We have added an ability to monitor this in the v4.9.
Q: I added a user to the black list but he still can read my folders. Why is that?
A: The "Black list" function allows disconnecting annoying users when they are downloading a huge amount of data slowing down your PC. The blacklist function does not block such users completely from accessing your shares. It allows them to list your folders and open small files, but when they try to download large files (which take several seconds or more for downloading), they will be disconnected.
If you need to block some users completely, please use the system share access and security settings.
Q: How to disable access to the system hidden shares (when all disks are shared for administrators – c$, d$, admin$, etc.)? I am trying to disable it in Explorer folder properties but they appear again after a reboot.
A: The administrator shares are created automatically after the OS installation and enabling the network. You cannot disable it using Explorer like you do this with regular shares. Before disabling the system shares, please consult with your network administrator. If your PC belongs to a company and you do this on your work, you possibly should not do disable the admin shares because the administrator might need these shares for managing your PC, updating software, etc. You also might not have the necessary administrator rights for disabling the shares or installing any software in this case. If you can install software, you can track the administrator's activity on your disks using 10-Strike Connection Monitor. :)
If the computer is at home and you are the administrator, feel free to proceed. The admin shares can be disabled in the registry. Find the
registry path and create the value "AutoShareWks"=0 (dword) for workstations or "AutoShareServer"=0 (dword) for servers.
Q: I cannot configure email notifications. What SMTP server address should I provide? What are those ports for? What is the sender address?
A: In order to send automatic email notifications on alerts, you need to do the following:
Basically, our program's email configuration is the same as any other email software's configuration (outlook, thunderbird, live mail, etc.) If you use public email services, you can find typical email IMAP/POP3/SMATP settings on their web sites.
Q: I use the Pro version and have configured the file creation/deletion monitoring in a network share. I specified the folder path in this form: "\\Server\Folder\". Sometimes, I see the screen alert messages, but the alert log is empty and no email notifications are sent to me. Why?
A: In the Pro version, the file creation/deletion monitoring is provided by the GUI console and the monitoring service both. However, the log recording and the email sending are performed by the service only. In this case, the service cannot monitor the folder because of not having necessary access rights. By default, all Windows services are started under the LocalSystem account. This account does not have rights on the network access. If you want the monitoring service to access that network share, you need to modify its starting settings and change the starting account to one that have access rights to that remote share. For example, if the program application (GUI part) monitors that share successfully, use the same account that is used for starting the GUI console for starting the monitoring service.
Steps to do:
Q: Sometimes, I see the ::1 computer in the access list. What is it?
A: ::1 is the short form of the local host IPv6 address (the same as If you want to see regular addresses in the list (and you does not need IPv6), you can disable the "IP version 6" protocol in properties of network interfaces on your network computers.
System processes (drivers and services) can access local shares using a network path. The program detects and displays these connections in the list too. This is a normal situation . Moreover, you should not add the localhost address to the black list. If you do this, you can get problems in the whole system operation.
Q: The program slows down and does not respond or big number of simultaneous user connections to shares. What can I do?
A: The default program settings are set for displaying more information on the main screen in the real time. When there are many users connected, this can slow down the program response. If this happens, just disable some options in the program settings.
1) Increase the list refresh interval in the "View" section. For start, try 5 seconds instead of one second. Increase it more if necessary.
2) Disable the "Display current events" setting. This will turn off the lower pane displaying current events on the main window. This pane does not provide a significant functionality value. You can always watch all events in the program log files.
3) Please do this only if the previous recommendations do not help. Go to the "Monitoring" section. There are three settings affecting the program's performance. There is a frame drawn around them. Try to disable these settings one by one (starting from the MAC address detection) and see whether this helps.