We are interested in German, French, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Korean translations of the following programs:
This is not that hard! Please take a look at 10-Strike Network Inventory Explorer language file, LANState language file, 10-Strike Network Monitor language file, 10-Strike Bandwidth Monitor language file, 10-Strike Network Diagram language file, 10-Strike Network File Search language file. These text files contain interface string constants.
Before you start, please contact us.
You need to find the language file "en.lng" located in the program folder. Create a copy of it and name it according to your language (for example, es.lng or fr.lng). Then, open it in Notepad or other text editor and translate right parts of strings (after the = sign). You can select this new language in the program settings and control the process (whether the translated strings look fine). When you have finished, please send the file to us.
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