Using custom device icons
The program allows you to create various device icons on the network map. You can add your own device types in the program settings, the Device icons section. All types and icons are stored in the common database. When you create them once, you will be able to see these icons in all places where you start the program or access the web UI.
Each default device type has its own icon. You can edit these icons but cannot rename device types. If you need some specific new device type, create your own type (use the Add button), and specify a file for opening the device icon from it (the Icon file field).
The program can import device icons from the MS Visio icon library files (.vss or .vssx). Open a necessary file with icons and they will be added to the program. Thus, you can create your own device type and icon library.
Use the Default icon size setting for specifying a new icon's default size when adding it to the map.
Icons can be grouped into sets. A Set is a way of organizing a large number of device types, sort of like a folder. This helps to quickly find the desired device type in the list when creating a new host. By default, the program already has several icon sets: Main Set, Network Symbols, and CCTV. You can create your own set and add existing icons to it, or create and add new icons. When deleting a set, its icons are not deleted. In order to add several icons of devices to a new set, you need to select them in the list with SHIFT or CTRL and choose name of the target set in the drop-down menu of the button located below the list. You can manage sets (create, rename, delete) using buttons located under the left list of sets.