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Network Host Monitoring Checks Available in the 10-Strike Network Monitor Program

Monitor network devices, hosts, and servers with 10-Strike Network Monitor program. This network device and server monitoring software allows you to monitor any hosts like servers, switches, network computers, and any other network devices connected to your local area network by a wide set of various network monitoring checks listed below. The network host monitoring program uses a bunch of network protocols to detect all the possible problems on your network hosts. Let us review the network monitoring checks supported by the program in details.

10-Strike Network Monitor supports the following monitoring checks for testing hosts:


Using all these network monitoring checks, the program detects failures on hosts in time and ensures a prompt response to the failures. 10-Strike Network Monitor notifies you via screen message, sound alarms, logs, e-mails, etc.

Watch the Network Monitoring Program Screenshots



System Requirements: Windows XP/Vista/7/8.1/10/11, Server 2003/2008/2012/2016/2019/2022 supported.


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