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"Connection timed out" Error on WMI Polling

Sometimes the "Connection timed out" error can occur during the WMI data collection on remote computers. Here is the list of possible reasons why this can happen:

1) Computer is offline

You need to wait until the target computer is turned on. You can use the Scheduler (configure it in the program settings) and the program will constantly try to poll the offline computers according to the scheduled polling tasks.

2) The Firewall is blocking the connection

Try to disable the Firewall on problem computers (and on the local PC where the program is installed) temporarily and see whether this helps. If this does not help, the problem is somewhere else.

3) The DCOM and RPC services are not running

Please check that the RPC is started and running on your and remote PCs and the necessary DCOM and RPC services are running on all computers:

  • Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
  • Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator
  • DCOM Server Process Launcher.

4) Not enough rights to start DCOM.

How to fix this:

  • Run Dcomcnfg in the console.
  • Go to the "Component Services/Computers/My computer" node.
  • Select "Properties" in the context menu.
  • Go to the "COM Security" tab.
  • Check access permissions.

5) WMI is broken

Sometimes, WMI stops working after a system update (on your or remote PC). If all computers are not polled from your PC, the problem is likely on your PC. If only some computers are not polled, the problem can be on those PCs. In all cases, if WMI has stopped working you need to fix it. How to fix broken WMI.

6) Using current user account instead of configuring the administrator account

Try to specify the administrator credentials and assign it to remote computers in the program settings instead of using the current user (even if you are a domain administrator). Please specify the administrator username in the [domain\username] format. This can help if your current user account does not work properly for collecting the data and causes the WMI connection error.

7) We can help you for free! :)

We can analyze your program log for free and give recommendations to you on how to configure everything if you send the log file to us. Please do not hesitate to write to our technical support service. We are willing to help you to introduce our program into your network and enjoy the results.

To copy the log files, please select the "Help" -> "Copy the program log files..." in the main menu.

Please send the program's log files to us after the WMI polling problems occur. This will help us to understand the problem's reason. The log files are overwritten when you start the program again. Please copy the files right after the data gathering process finishing, before starting the program again.

Hint: If there are only a few problem computers not polling via WMI (and nothing helps) while the most of other computers are polled successfully, it will be easier to configure using the Agent service or the Client app on these PCs than continuing fighting against WMI.


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