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Network Inventory Program: Tutorial and Demo Videos

Here, you can watch tutorial videos showing how our network inventory program works.


Video 1: Video review of the network inventory program: scanning network computers, gathering the inventory data, generating basic reports, and the summary table reports.


Video 2: Scanning network computers.


Video 3: Tracking changes in hardware and software on network computers.


Video 4: Getting started with 10-Strike Network Inventory Explorer: adding computers to the PC list, gathering the inventory data using WMI, generating basic reports and the summary table reports.

Adding computers to the PC list, gathering the inventory data using WMI, generating basic reports and the summary table reports


Video 5: Working with the program: scanning the network, gathering the inventory data, generating basic and summary table reports in details.

Scanning the network, gathering the inventory data, generating basic and summary table reports in details



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