Version 7.5, March 2024
- Pro: Added the ability to create a backup monitoring server, which, if the primary server fails, automatically takes over all its functions without downtime. This solution can be used when creating a failover cluster of monitoring servers.
- Pro: Added function for detecting new hosts on the network. The search runs in the background. It is implemented in the monitoring service and is launched according to a specified schedule by the built-in task scheduler. When new hosts are detected, an alert is issued and the program offers to add them to the network map and to the host list.
- Pro: Added the new "Linux Metrics" check, which works using our new remote Linux agent. The check allows you to obtain the CPU and disk load, RAM and virtual memory usage, the number of running processes, uptime, and directory size.
- Added different alert settings for each SNMP trap and Syslog filter condition. Now the program can respond to each type of the incoming message in different ways.
- Added the ability to connect the Private Key File authentication in the "SSH" check to establish a connection with a remote host via SSH.
- The "Terminal name" parameter has been added for the "SSH" check in the program settings.
- When adding hosts from an address list or ONVIF search, these hosts can be immediately added to the network map.
- Pro: Added the ability to change the color of the gauge indicator when an alarm is triggered.
- Pro: Added the ability to change the font color of a numeric indicator if it does not have a minimum and maximum value specified.
- Pro: Added display of not only the text of areas and lines, but also their other parameters in the list of objects to configure actions in the monitoring check parameters. This makes it easier to find the desired map object.
- Pro: When adding CCTV cameras from an ONVIF search to the network map, an RTSP link is now automatically added to the icon, which can be opened in the CCTV player using the CTRL+Click.
- Pro: Web: The CCTV cameras tab in the web interface can now be hidden in the web application settings.
- Pro: Web: Added remembering the last opened tab in the web interface and activating it when the page is refreshed.
- Added the date displaying in charts for printing.
- Improved the process of searching for cameras using the ONVIF protocol.
- Pro: Fixed the issue when the map link icon did not change its status (color) if that map had another map link with a "red" (failed) status.
- Pro: Fixed importing of some checks from the 10-Strike LANState Pro program (the bandwidth monitoring checks).
- Pro: Fixed some problems with the program's compatibility with Wine (Linux).
- Fixed ability to edit the picture resolution field in the RTSP check.
- Fixed problems with the email message encoding when sending messages using an insecure version of the SMTP protocol.v
- Fixed the SNMP trap source detection for SNMP trap v2c and v3 versions.
- Fixed conversion of the uptime parameter received via SNMP trap v1 to seconds.
- Fixed other found bugs.
Version 7.4, October 2023
- Pro: Added the ability to automatically switch monitoring to a backup server with a database.
- Pro: Added the automatic switching of the monitoring server to the local database in case of loss of a connection with the main one. After the connection is restored, all the data accumulated during this time in the local database is automatically transferred to the main database.
- Pro: A new module of the "Provider" program has been added, through which you can connect to monitoring databases installed at different locations and monitor their parameters, quickly open a console with monitoring data loaded into it.
- Pro: Added the agent port setting at the host parameters level. Now you can set your own agent port for each host. This can be useful if agent ports on a remote network are forwarded through a router.
- Pro: Added command line parameters to launch the console with a connection to a specified server with a monitoring database.
- Pro: Added the ability to reload the monitoring list without restarting the program.
- Pro: Added the ability to quickly select all indicators and text areas on the map.
- Pro: Added the ability to limit the number of backup copies of the monitoring database in a folder.
- Added the ability to extract a numeric value from a string in the SNMP check (Example: 3.5V -> 3.5).
- Checks that have not been executed for a long time are now marked in the list.
- Added the ability to send messages to several instant messenger chats (channels) at once.
- Now in the parameters of the application that is launched when signaling checks, syslog and trap, you can set the URL (for example, to perform a POST request via curl).
- Pro: Removed the ability to clear logs by the operator.
- Pro: Web: Removed notifications (sound, messages, list of events) from host checks for a user who is not allowed to access them.
- Pro: Web: Fixed a bug that caused the map loading to freeze if there was an invisible host icon on it.
- Fixed a bug in checking the image resolution via RTSP with the floating value of the height and width of the image from the camera.
- Fixed a bug in the SNMP check, which in some cases caused it to freeze.
- Fixed the situation with applications that were configured to launch in response to the scan result did not launch without an active graphical console.
- Fixed a bug with the report on the list of hosts which did not include all hosts from the monitoring database.
Version 7.3, May 2023
- Added the IP camera search via the ONVIF protocol with the possibility of authorization and obtaining the additional information about the camera manufacturer, model, firmware, and RTSP links. The function allows you to quickly create a monitoring host database for a video surveillance system.
- Added viewing the video stream from a camera. Open the camera dashboard and click an icon in the upper right corner of the camera widget.
- Pro: Web: Added displaying notifications in the web browser with messages about the results of checks. Notifications are displayed in the lower right corner of the desktop (in the system area) even when the browser window is minimized.
- Pro: Web: Added the host importing from a text file.
- Equipment uptime received via SNMP is now displayed in readable form (days, hours...).
- Added a setting for receiving strings in the Hex format (octet string) in the SNMP monitoring check.
- The status bar of the main window now displays the size of the database file. For information on how to reduce it, read our FAQ in the help file (you can find the link to the topic on the help panel on the right).
- Pro: The failed verification message on the host hint on the graphic map is now highlighted in red.
- Pro: Added the ability to delete statistics for a given period.
- Pro: Host added to the list now immediately appears on the opened map as well.
- Pro: Added the ability to install the program on a server where the Firebird DBMS is already installed. You can change the name of the Firebird service in the installation wizard.
- Pro: Added the ability to quickly switch the console to a backup server if the main one stops responding.
- Pro: Web: Performed the query optimization which improved the web UI performance.
- Pro: Fixed the icon scaling when the host image size is smaller than host size.
- Fixed a bug in the SNMP trap and Syslog matching filter conditions. Only the last condition worked.
Version 7.2, December 2022
- Pro: Now the program has the ability to scan the network topology and generate network maps. The built-in scanner connects to managed switches, reads address tables, and draws links between hosts, just like our 10-Strike LANState and 10-Strike Network Diagram programs do.
- Added the search function in the MIB browser tree.
- When adding hosts from a text file, it became possible not to create hosts that already exist in the monitoring list.
- Added searching for duplicated hosts in the "Host List". Now you can quickly select them in the monitoring list and delete.
- Added displaying the number of installed programs in the " Installed software audit" check.
- Added the ability to move hosts from one folder to another via the "Move to..." context menu.
- Added the total downtime amount for each host to the crash report.
- Added export of cameras from the monitoring database to a text file with RTSP links. The camera list can be loaded back into the program.
- Added the automatic encoding (ANSI/UTF8) recognition of a file with RTSP links when it is imported into the program.
- Added displaying the number of selected hosts and hosts in the selected folder of the host tree.
- Pro: Added the network map exporting to the LANState Pro file format (this is our another monitoring program).
- Pro: Added creation of the CCTV camera and monitoring check widgets for multiple checks at once.
- Pro: Added the ability to save changes in all loaded maps at once.
- Pro: Added the ability to silently install an additional monitoring server. Run the installation package with the following keys: network-monitor-pro-service.exe /VERYSILENT /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES /NORESTART
- Pro: Added the search function for tabs of loaded maps and quick opening of the found one.
- Removed the "Alert during the first check" alarm option. Now the program only triggers an alarm when the check state changes.
- Pro: Redesigned the mechanism for detecting a failed monitoring server. There were problems if the monitoring server was running in a different time zone.
- Pro: Optimized the device icon and monitoring check loading process. The program starts much faster now!
- Pro: Web: The web interface application has been translated to Java 11. When installing the new version of the web interface, make sure that the "Install Java" checkbox is enabled in the installer.
- Pro: Web: Improved the performance and stability of the web interface application. Improved the UI loading and operation speed of some functions.
- Pro: Fixed a bug occurred during the deletion of big number of hosts in one operation.
- Pro: Fixed ability to select another Firebird DBMS port in the database connection settings.
- Fixed the camera address changing in the URL property when creating RTSP checks using a template.
Version 7.1, August 2022
- Added the new QoS (quality of service) monitoring check. With its help, you can monitor the following parameters: jitter, delay, packet loss, average quality score (MOS), R-factor. The quality evaluation is available for the ICMP and UDP protocols (using the Agent in the Pro version).
- Pro: The device type library is now split into icon sets. You can create your own icon set.
- Pro: Added a new set of icons the "CCTV and Security" for drawing diagrams of video surveillance networks.
- Pro: Added the ability to display a picture from a video camera next to the icon on the map (using the new map widget).
- Pro: Added the ability to automatically create multiple icons around an icon (connected with lines to it). You can quickly draw a switch with hosts connected to it using this function.
- Pro: Added quick selection of an entire "switch-hosts" group to move it to another place on the network map.
- Pro: Added the ability to quickly connect several hosts with lines to a switch. Select multiple host icons on the map using the Ctrl key and click "Connect selected hosts to this switch" in the context menu of the target switch.
- Pro: Added the ability to quickly pull devices connected to a device icon and arrange them in a circle.
- Added support for several new CCTV cameras.
- Added ability to install old version of ffmpeg (for Windows Server 2012).
- Updated the network adapter manufacturer database.
- Pro: Improved the statistics clearing speed.
- Fixed error with indexing network interfaces in the "Bandwidth (SNMP)" check.
- Fixed the MAC address detection for hosts in the Network Scanner.
- Added the new QoS (quality of service) monitoring check. With its help, you can monitor the following parameters: jitter, delay, packet loss, average quality score (MOS), R-factor. The quality evaluation is available for the ICMP and UDP protocols (using the Agent in the Pro version).
- Pro: The device type library is now split into icon sets. You can create your own icon set.
- Pro: Added a new set of icons the "CCTV and Security" for drawing diagrams of video surveillance networks.
- Pro: Added the ability to display a picture from a video camera next to the icon on the map (using the new map widget).
- Pro: Added the ability to automatically create multiple icons around an icon (connected with lines to it). You can quickly draw a switch with hosts connected to it using this function.
- Pro: Added quick selection of an entire "switch-hosts" group to move it to another place on the network map.
- Pro: Added the ability to quickly connect several hosts with lines to a switch. Select multiple host icons on the map using the Ctrl key and click "Connect selected hosts to this switch" in the context menu of the target switch.
- Pro: Added the ability to quickly pull devices connected to a device icon and arrange them in a circle.
- Pro: WEB: You can run applications using the user's "Actions" context menu in all popular browsers. To do this, you need to install the agent that comes in the common installation package (or you can download it separately from our website).
- Added new substitution keys for the check and host parameters in the "Run Script" alert section.
- Added the ability to send notifications to different Telegram and Slack chats. You can specify a separate chat/channel for each check.
- Added support for several new CCTV cameras.
- Added ability to install old version of ffmpeg (for Windows Server 2012).
- When starting a second console, a prompt is now displayed. It is also possible to activate an already running instance.
- Updated the network adapter manufacturer database.
- Pro: Improved the statistics clearing speed.
- Pro: Web: Fixed the bug which occurred when you connect to the web UI as a user whose login contains small letters.
- Pro: Fixed a bug when deleting a user.
- Pro: Fixed a bug when changing the superuser password.
- Fixed sending alerts to Telegram via a POST request in a script did not work if the parameters substitution keys were set.
- Fixed error with indexing network interfaces in the "Bandwidth (SNMP)" check.
- Fixed the MAC address detection for hosts in the Network Scanner.
Version 7.0, April 2022
- Added the ability to view images from CCTV cameras (in the RTSP check).
- Added the ability to monitor frame rate in CCTV camera check (using RTSP).
- Added the ability to monitor the image resolution in the CCTV camera check (RTSP).
- Added the ability to quickly add surveillance cameras to the monitoring list with the creation of ping (ICMP) and bitrate (RTSP) checks. Create a text file with a list of RTSP URLs and open it in the program.
- Pro: Added the new Modbus monitoring check.
- Pro: Added the new MQTT monitoring check.
- Pro: Added the user access control for maps and hosts.
- Added ability to monitor the query execution time to the MySQL check.
- Added query templates to the MySQL check for monitoring the DBMS metrics.
- Added processing and displaying of the generic, specific, and uptime parameters to SNMP trap.
- The dashboard pane can now be quickly generated for selected hosts using the context menu.
- Pro: Host check indicators on the map can now be quickly created using the context menu item "Create check indicators".
- Added a new type of the event notification (for checks and receiving syslog and traps). In case of an alert, you can now send an SNMP trap.
- Added execution of the Java and VB scripts in response to incoming SNMP traps and Syslog.
- Added the ability to quickly select all hosts in a folder (group).
- Added a setting that disables the redirect processing to the HTTP(S) check.
- The alert window now pops up on top of all windows.
- Pro: Fixed a bug when adding hosts with a big number of MAC addresses from the Network Scanning Wizard.
- Pro: Fixed applying the format template to areas on the network map. It did not change the color of the area border.
- Fixed the authorization error in the SSH check in some Linux distributions.
- Fixed the "hangup" of the traffic speed check when the host is unavailable.
- Fixed the response time graph that did not switch to "for period" mode.
- Fixed a bug when sending messages to Syslog, leading to the replacement of some characters with ":".
Version 6.9, October 2021
- Pro: Added the "SSD Health" check (in the S.M.A.R.T. section).
- Added the Wi-Fi signal strength monitoring check. With its help, you can monitor Wi-Fi routers and access points.
- Added the POST request authorization type to the Web/HTTP(S) check.
- Added the redirect support in the web page content check.
- We have moved the Dashboard to a separate tab at the Check List level. You can easily switch between widgets of various checks.
- Added the user account management and configuration of the login/password substitution to authorization fields on different forms.
- Added the WMI availability support to the Network Scanning Wizard.
- Added the ability to create default performance checks for hosts found on the network.
- Added the ability to create a group of checks of network interface parameters for a host in the monitoring list.
- Pro: Added the ability to disable monitoring servers so that a button with an error message does not appear if they are not working.
- Added a check for the text string existence on a web page during a test run.
- Added coloring of the dashboard widget title to the color of the check status.
- Added ability to select encoding for messages sent to Syslog.
- Added viewing of the text of SNMP trap, Syslog messages, and current events in a separate window.
- Pro: Improved the migration of the database and settings when changing the storage folder.
- Fixed erroneous substitution of host name and address when editing bulk host parameters.
- Pro: Fixed inaccuracies in the positioning of objects when scaling the map. Icons and lines no longer slide out.
Version 6.8, April 2021
- Added the "REST (JSON) via HTTP/HTTPS" check. With its help, you can monitor various systems' parameters that are stored in JSON files accessible on some web server using the REST API.
- Pro: Added the NVMe SSD support to the S.M.A.R.T. disk health monitoring check.
- Added new IP camera model support to the RTSP monitoring check (some HikVision models).
- Added the ability to enter a fractional divisor and a multiplier for the monitoring parameter in the check settings.
- Improved the "Disk space" check. Added the ability to apply a multiplier or divisor to the result (it can be converted to percentages).
- Added detection of IP cameras and DVR/NVR when scanning the network if they respond via RTSP.
- Pro: Added the ability to clear the NetFlow statistics completely.
- Added the ability to return to the default names of the check list columns.
- Improved the function of finding open TCP ports when scanning the network.
- Pro: Optimized receiving and writing the data to the NetFlow statistics database.
- Pro: Enhanced diagnostics of the console and service database connection problems.
- Pro: Optimized reading of program settings. Accelerated loading of forms with parameters.
- Pro: Improved the Watchdog service.
- Fixed a bug with the start and end dates in the "Common statistics" report.
Version 6.7, January 2021
- Added support for new CCTV cameras in the RTSP check.
- Pro: Added storing the current map scaling factor and restoring it on the map loading.
- Pro: Web: Added the ability to move from a check or a host in lists to the corresponding device icon on the map.
- Added the ability to change captions for several hosts selected in the tree.
- Added the host address to the log entry about the VB or JS script error.
- Pro: Web: Updated the design of the main and the login pages of the web interface.
- Pro: Added the Watchdog service.
Version 6.6, November 2020
- Added the bitrate monitoring check for the surveillance camera video stream using the RTSP protocol. Now the program provides full monitoring of video surveillance systems.
- Added the OPC server monitoring. This allows you to perform the real-time monitoring of CNC machines and other industrial equipment that support this protocol.
- Pro: Added the check filter groups that are created at the host level in the host tree. The filters form a list of host checks selected according to the specified criteria. For example, you can display only failed checks, or only checks of one type, or checks with a given word in comments.
- Pro: Added ability to move from a check and a host in the lists to the corresponding device icon on the map.
- Pro: Added the archived statistics deletion.
- Fixed bug with traffic counting when working with 64-bit SNMP counters.
- Fixed bug with sending messages via Telegram and Slack when using the latest versions of SSL libraries.
- Fixed other minor bugs.
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Version 6.5, June 2020
- Added the mailbox content check using the POP3 protocol with the ability of searching specific strings in email messages.
- Added the file number change and total file volume monitoring in the "FTP" check.
- Added templates for configuring the UPS monitoring checks.
- Added templates for configuring the video surveillance system monitoring.
- Added ability to restart/shut down computers and stop/restart services as a respond action in the Syslog and SNMP trap monitoring functions.
- Added the file number change monitoring in a folder in the "Folder existence" check.
- Added the new "more/less than" logic in conditions in the "Printer ink/toner" check.
- Added the new "if the file/folder date is changed" condition in the "File or folder date/age" check.
- Added ability of displaying the "ICMP", "Application execution", "Port state", and "HTTP/HTTPS" check parameters on the screen.
- Pro: Added ability to restart services and computers with help of the Agent service as a respond action of checks.
- Pro: Added ability to configure the icon caption format string. You can display MAC, IP address, and other parameters in icon captions.
- Pro: Added the spline type of lines (Bezier curves).
- Pro: Added ability to replace an icon for any host on the map without changing icons for other hosts of that type. Therefore, you can create host icons with any arbitrary images.
- Pro: Simplified the database recovery from a backup archive. We have added a new button in the "Database" section of the program settings.
- Pro: Simplified the environment variable configuration for the web UI operation. You can specify the Java installation path in the "Web" section of the program settings.
- Improved the Check Information section (the first tab) on the Monitoring Check window. Now it displays additional helpful information including charts and statistics on the check.
- Added the automatic font size increasing when the system display scaling setting is enabled.
- Pro: Web: Added the slide show mode for all opened network maps.
- Pro: Web: Added the custom user map's context menu displaying in web browsers.
- Pro: Web: Added ability of moving hosts and folders from one folder to another.
- Pro: Web: Added a test button for sending messages to supported messengers.
- If a host has the "Do not run other checks from the list if: the first check is failed" setting enabled and the first check is failed, further checks will not be run too.
- Removed alerting for further checks for hosts with the "Do not run other checks from the list if: the first check is failed" setting enabled when the first check is failed. The status of these checks will change from "Not checked. Depends from the first check." to "Successful" in case of the "green" alert.
- Updated the SSL and SSH libraries.
- Pro: Updated the motherboard sensor polling library. Added support for the latest motherboards and CPUs.
- Updated the program look and improved the chart displaying.
- Updated the network adapter manufacturer database.
- Fixed the average bandwidth calculation error.
- Fixed a bug in the MIB browser compiler. The bug did not allow loading and adding some MIB files.
- Fixed the Slack and Telegram messenger sending error. Added support for a newer version of the TLS protocol.
Version 6.4, January 2020
- Added a dedicated service for the internal monitoring of our monitoring server (the watchdog) which will improve the program stability and provide the flawless operation.
- Pro: Added ability to create a custom context map menu for actions on hosts. Add your own menu items and execute these functions for a selected host while overviewing the map or the check list.
- Added ability to switch to a secondary backup address automatically in a monitoring check for a host if the dependent check is failed.
- Added ability to record all incoming messages from Syslog and SNMP trap to the log file ignoring the filter settings.
- Pro: Web: Added displaying widgets on the map (charts, diagrams).
- Pro: Web: Added displaying double lines on the map.
- Pro: Web: Added the "Remember me" function for the web UI allowing you to log on without the password authorization.
- Pro: Added ability to edit the database path for the web UI in the program settings (the Web section).
- Added the VS and JS script execution time timeout limitation setting. This allows you to execute heavy scripts that work longer than the default 5-second timeout (for example, a VBScript that is used in the "Folder size" can work quite slow on "heavy" folders).
- Added a new check status called "Not checked" for cases when a host has the "Do not run other checks if... the first check is failed/passed"option enabled and this condition is satisfied.
- Added a button for testing the Slack and Telegram notifications to the program settings.
- Pro: Optimized loading of the big number of log records (Syslog, SNMP trap, and alert log).
- Removed the automatic expanding of all host groups in the host tree on the program start.
- Pro: Web: Fixed the sound notification issue in the web UI.
Version 6.3, November 2019
- Pro: Added ability to display indicators and widgets on the map. Now you can place charts, diagrams, and gauges right on the network map near with host icons.
- Added the hard drive work load monitoring support.
- Added the web server response code monitoring to the HTTP/HTTPS check.
- Added the POST request monitoring to the HTTP/HTTPS check.
- Added the keyword existence monitoring (on a web page) to the HTTP/HTTPS check.
- The "Switch port" check can now return the switch port number for a host. You can display the port number on a host connection line on the map using the substitution keys.
- Pro: Added a mini map that enables you to navigate easier on large maps.
- Pro: Added ability to import network maps from 10-Strike LANState.
- Pro: Added the parameter filter fields to the log watching windows for SNMP trap and Syslog.
- Pro: Added ability to delete old records in the SNMP trap and Syslog logs.
- Pro: Added the map object grid alignment (with a configurable step).
- Pro: Added displaying the current map scaling ratio in the status bar.
- Added ability to configure the data storage folder during the program installation.
- Added ability of adding dependencies to a group of checks saving its previous settings. For example, if some checks already have some dependencies configured, a newly added dependency will not overwrite the older ones.
- Pro: Added displaying the host counter on the status bar of the map window.
- Pro: Fixed displaying Google Maps as a map background. The map provider was replaced to Open Street Map.
- Pro: Improved the program performance in case of working with user icons on the map.
- Pro: Improved the program performance in case of loading logs.
- Pro: Fixed the map scrolling issue in case of the device searching on the map.
- Pro: Fixed the icon copy/paste function in case when maps have different scaling ration.
Version 6.2, September 2019
- Added support for sending notifications to Slack and Telegram.
- Added the "Current events" window displaying all the last program messages (alerts, syslog, traps).
- Added displaying the check description in the list of dependent checks.
- Added a new setting "Wait till the check finishing on the service stop". If you disable this setting, this can speed up the monitoring service restarting.
- Pro: The new installation package uses the Firebird v3 database. The Firebird 2.5 -> Firebird 3 migration is described in the help system.
- Pro: Added a new map object - the image. For example, you can load a photo of your server rack and place the server and other icons on it.
- Pro: Added ability of adding map links to any map object (line, area, host).
- Pro: The statistics file storage clearing is now performed by the task scheduler based on a pre-configured task for that.
- Pro: Added the column limitation and improved the table icon alignment algorithm.
- Pro: Added displaying the number of the Netflow statistics strings on the Netflow settings window.
- Pro: Web: Added sound notifications in the web interface.
- Pro: Web: Added ability to scale the map (use the mouse scrolling wheel with CTRL).
- Pro: Web: Added ability to move the map with mouse.
- Added searching for Unicode text strings on HTML pages in the HTTP/HTTPS check.
- Added the "Not checked" status for checks which were not executed according to the host setting "Do not run other checks from the list if... the first check is passed/failed..." is enabled.
- Pro: Web: Fixed the table icon alignment.
- Added displaying captions like "port 1 | port 2" at both line ends using "|" as a divider.
- Fixed the big number issue in OID.
- Fixed the bug with substitution of a fractional result in the counted formula check.
- Improved the counted formula check operation in the case of counting the traffic bandwidth.
- Fixed the string search in Unicode files.
10-Strike Network Monitor (Pro) 6.1, February 2019
- Pro: Added the device type and icon editing. You can import new icons from Visio icon libraries.
- Added the dashboard configuration. You can place widgets displaying parameters from various checks and save its settings.
- Added a new widget type displaying a monitored parameter's value chart for the last hour.
- Added ability to generate the "Report on host checks" automatically in the Scheduler and send the report via email.
- Added an option for the SNMP check conditions allowing detecting whether a string value is "empty" or "not empty".
- Added a setting for changing the sub-string searching mode in the "File existence" check (search from the file start or continue from the previous place).
- Added the folder date monitoring to the "File age" check.
- Pro: Added an ability to monitor some critical S.M.A.R.T. hard drive parameters separately.
- Added displaying the "Enabled by schedule" status in lists for checks with configured scheduler.
- Added displaying the polled host address in the MIB browser.
- Pro: Added ability to rename network maps.
- Added the statistics exporting to a CSV file for a single check.
- Added ability to copy the log records to the clipboard on the Log window.
- Added ability to expand or collapse all the host tree items.
- Pro: Web: Optimized a few the web UI functions for speed. The application works much faster in the browser window now.
- Pro: Web: Improved the web interface's design.
- Pro: Web: Fixed all found bugs in the web UI.
- Pro: Fixed the line connections for polylines on the network map.
10-Strike Network Monitor (Pro) 6.0, October 2018
- The program has got a dashboard for displaying dynamically changed parameters and values from host checks. You can now watch the state of the most important hosts with help of these new graphic indicators and gauges. When you click on an indicator the program will open a detailed chart displaying how the parameter changed in time.
- Added creation of new alert levels (different from binary states like "passed/failed"). You can now create intermediate states indicating that the parameter has a critical value close to a failure. For example, you can create the "Warning" alert level with the critical threshold set to 80% of the failure limit value.
- Pro: Added hiding/displaying map objects (lines, areas, hosts) as an action in response to the check results.
- Pro: Added changing the area color as an action in response to the check results.
- Pro: Added displaying the string and integer values of the monitored parameters on the area, line, and icon captions.
- Added ability to specify a measure unit and the parameter name in the check properties. This information will be used for displaying axis captions on charts and on the dashboard's indicators.
- Added a multiplier setting to the check properties. This multiplier is used for the automatic conversion of the check result to necessary measure units (for numerical check results). For example, you can convert bytes to megabytes in the traffic counter check.
- Added the new "Bandwidth on network interface" check. Now you can monitor deviation of the network bandwidth from the average bandwidth value. You can configure thresholds and alert levels.
- Added ability to monitor the folder size (based on the VBScript check).
- Added ability to duplicate a host with all its checks and parameters (and create hosts using templates). Addresses will be replaced to new in the dependencies and counted checks.
- Added getting the variable values in the MIB browser over SNMP. The GET and GETNEXT requests are supported. You can now save a full SNMP dump from a device to a file.
- Pro: Added ability to add selected hosts to the map from the monitoring database.
- Pro: Added ability to assign map icons to hosts from the monitoring database.
- Added the automatic text replacement in the sender's IP and OID (the SNMP trap monitoring). Now, events are recorded with the replaced OID text to the SNMP trap log.
- Added an ability to respond to the process running in the "Process Existence" check (in addition to response to the process closing).
- Added the "Request type" parameter in the SNMP check. You can receive values with a variable OID index with help of the GET NEXT request.
- Added the result "in range" condition in the "External Application" check.
- Added ability to connect to any namespace in the WMI check (it is necessary to update the agent service in the Pro version if you use agents).
- Added ability to select a user account for running the monitoring service in the program settings. We have added a button for it in the "Monitoring Service" section.
- Added the host system date parameter (oid conversion to a readable format from hex.
- Pro: Added the notification about the scheduled database backup creation's finishing.
- Pro: Added limitations on the password length and simplicity during the user creation. The "123" passwords are not allowed anymore :).
- Pro: Added displaying the current database server address on the bottom status bar of the console.
- Pro: Web: Added changing the column width on the Check List windows in the web mode. These settings are saved.
- Pro: Web: Added writing the web session's start and end time to a separate log.
- Pro: Web: Improved the web interface. The new UI design was implemented. Maps, the dashboard, and the check list were moved to separate tabs. We have improved usability and look for all windows and forms.
- Added the password encryption for all unencrypted passwords in the storage (only a few; all others were already encrypted).
- Added storing the IP address list in the host properties.
- Increased the maximum number of formula elements in "Counted check" from 20 to 50.
- Removed the default script | awk '{print "result=",$1}' from the SSH check (in the custom command mode). If you use this mode, add this code to your script or the execution string.
- Improved the ICMP ping check.
- Added displaying string variables in the "Monitored parameter" column in the Check List (in addition to numerical variables).
- Fixed the key value processing starting from the CHECK10 key in the "Counted formula check".
- Fixed a bug in the HTTPS check. It did not work out on the first run.
- Fixed error in the "Eventlog" check that occurred when changing one log to another in the settings.
- Pro: Fixed a non-critical bug occurred during the host deletion (for big groups of hosts).
- Pro: Fixed the text record displaying in the alert log.
- Fixed the timeout error in the SSH check.
10-Strike Network Monitor (Pro) 5.5, February 2018
- Pro: Web: Added the fully-functional network map to the web UI!
- Pro: Web: Added the task scheduler management to the web UI.
- Added the new "Combined check results" monitoring check type.
- Added the new "Expression check" monitoring check type.
- Added ability to select a cartridge in the printer toner/ink level monitoring check.
- Pro: Added the network map file import from 10-Strike Network Diagram (this is our network topology discovery program).
- Pro: Added ability to manually link map icons to existing hosts from the monitoring database.
- Pro: Added changing the line color on the network map according to the check result of one of the line's hosts.
- Added ability to generate continuous notifications while a check is in the failed state.
- Added a scheduler for checks. You can specify time for the check execution.
- Added ability to substitute user values instead of OID received in the SNMP trap ("Settings" - "SNMP").
- Added the SNMPv3 support for SNMP traps.
- Added configuring the time interval during the check creation.
- Added moving folders to the host tree root.
- Added substitution keys for the current date in all checks where file and folder paths are used. You can also use the date keys in the text file content monitoring check (for example, if you want to find a log record for the current day).
- Pro: Added editing the check properties and notification settings using the icon's context menu of the network map.
- Pro: Added tool tips indicating the check statuses for icons on the network map.
- Pro: If no monitoring server is specified for a host, the program will tell you about this in the check status field.
- Pro: The program will propose you to create the database backup task in the system Scheduler.
- Pro: Moved the SMTP server settings (for sending emails from the program) from the database to a local file. This allows you to make various settings for various monitoring servers.
- Pro: Fixed a bug when the program did not disable previously specified notification methods.
- Fixed the issue with missing labels for vertical and horizontal lines.
- Fixed saving and loading polylines.
- Fixed displaying incorrect downtime in the polling statistics.
- Fixed processing numeric values in the SNMP check (in the range check).
10-Strike Network Monitor (Pro) 5.4, September 2017
- Pro: Added the NetFlow protocol support. Now you can monitor the network bandwidth and utilized traffic volume for a time period. The program can also send alerts when the traffic limit is exceeded. Watch the detailed statistics, build traffic and bandwidth charts, use filters.
- Pro: Added the secure HTTPS protocol support in the web UI. Check the "Web Interface" section of the program settings.
- Pro: Web: Added the data loading according to the user roles and access rights. The Web UI has got the full multiple-user support.
- Pro: Added ability to watch the program logs in a more comfort way with the string searching and filtering functions.
- Pro: Added ability to clear the Syslog and SNMP trap logs.
- Added running checks based on the schedule in the Task Manager.
- Added saving and sending reports via e-mail in the Task Manager.
- Added the database backup copy creation in the Task Manager.
- Added a setting for selecting what to display in the host titles on the host tree (address, name, or both).
- Pro: Improved the notification message about bad S.M.A.R.T. check results. Added displaying the S.M.A.R.T. value name, its threshold and current values.
- Pro: Fixed the check list refreshing bug for the "Failed checks" folder in case of connecting the managing console to the monitoring service through the database (this is an optional method).
- Pro: Fixed the database backup creation bug (in the program settings).
- Fixed the Syslog message encoding bug.
- Fixed the column displaying settings bug in the list of checks.
10-Strike Network Monitor (Pro) 5.3, March 2017
- Pro: Added user accounts and roles for multiple user access to the program. Users can have a specific set of rights for accessing the host database and program functions.
- Fixed the host moving bug when a destination folder was not visible. The automatic scrolling function was added to the host list.
- Fixed found bugs.
10-Strike Network Monitor (Pro) 5.2, February 2017
- Pro: Added checking the database TCP port availability when installing remote monitoring servers.
- Pro: Fixed the critical bug when monitoring servers did not reconnect to the database after a disconnection.
- Added the fractional number support in the SNMP parameters' value monitoring.
- Added the "Check description" column on the dependent check selection window.
- The "Host / Check" column was split to two columns in the "Common statistics" table.
10-Strike Network Monitor (Pro) 5.1, December 2016
- Added the new ink level check for monitoring the ink/toner level in network printers.
- Added the new network interface (switch port) check.
- Added ability to send e-mail alerts using proxy servers.
- Fixed other found bugs.
10-Strike Network Monitor (Pro) 5.0, December 2016
- Pro: We have added a graphic network map so you can watch the network state in a more obvious way. Move icons, change its size, connect icons with lines, and add other objects for a better map look. The device states are displayed using colorful vector icons. Improve the old boring "table" host state look and start using the network map.
- Improved the dialog window design.
- Added the message decoding in the "Syslog monitoring" and "SNMP trap receiving" functions.
- Added the "Response time" parameter to the "Linux/SSH" check.
- Pro: Fixed the disk list receiving bug in the S.M.A.R.T. check.
10-Strike Network Monitor (Pro) 4.6, October 2016
- Added the "Linux/SSH" check for the performance monitoring of various parameters (cpu load average, hdd, mem) on *nix systems (linux, freebsd, android, etc.). This check allows you to execute any custom bash scripts or commands, and to process its output.
- Added the new "Task Scheduler" function which allows you to configure the host checking via schedules. This can be useful when you do not need to execute some check too often.
- Added the "Total monitored downtime" and "Downtime rate" columns in the monitoring statistics report. You can see your network equipment's efficiency now.
- Enhanced the downtime settings in the monitoring parameters. You can configure various downtimes for each day of week now.
- Pro: Fixed a critical bug in the agent and in the monitoring service. This bug could lead the agent to a higher CPU usage.
- Fixed other found bugs.
10-Strike Network Monitor (Pro) 4.5, July 2016
[From now, we have merged the Pro and standard version numbers.]
- Pro: Added ability to use the "more/less/equal/not equal" conditions for the S.M.A.R.T. parameter monitoring.
- Pro: Added ability to monitor the RAW hard drive parameters in the S.M.A.R.T. check.
- Pro: Fixed the agent operation when the password protection is enabled.
- Added the automatic GSM/3G/4G modem COM port detection.
- Fixed error with updating the check status after the dependency configuration.
- Fixed the dependency error when the "Alert during the first check" parameter is enabled.
10-Strike Network Monitor (Pro) 4.4, June 2016
- Pro: The first English public release of the Pro version.
- Pro: Web: Added all charts from the desktop version.
- Pro: Web: Added ability to watch all logs with the search and filter functions.
- Pro: Web: Added alerting for cases when a monitoring server goes down.
- Pro: Web: Added ability to start and stop the monitoring process on the server management window.
- Pro: Web: Decreased the string height in the list of check so more checks can now be displayed on the same area.
- Pro: Web: Fixed all found bugs.
10-Strike Network Monitor (Pro) 4.3, March 2016
- Pro: Web: Improved the web UI. Added missing desktop functions and fixed bugs of the first beta version.
- Pro: Added ability to monitor parameters which are received by the "VBScript" and "JavaScript" monitoring checks. With user scripts, you can monitor a wide specter of the system parameters. For example, you can monitor the RAM usage.
- Pro: Added ability execute the ICMP ping check on the remote agent's side. This allows you to monitor devices connected to the remote agent's PC locally (for example, video cameras or video recorders).
- Pro: Added alerting for cases when monitoring servers are getting down. The message is displayed on the main window and on the list of checks. The monitoring server list also contains the server status information.
10-Strike Network Monitor (Pro) 4.2, January 2016
- Added ability to monitor parameters which are received by the "VBScript" and "JavaScript" monitoring checks. With user scripts, you can monitor a wide specter of the system parameters. For example, you can monitor the RAM usage.
- Added new substitution keys in the "Run application" function.
- Added the automatic program log file cutting.
- Increased the maximum monitoring thread count limit in the program settings.
- Fixed the SNMP trap filter.
- Fixed other found bugs.
10-Strike Network Monitor Pro 1.0 beta, June 2015
- The first public beta release of the new Pro version of 10-Strike Network Monitor product.
The Pro version contains the following powerful features comparing to the standard version:
1) Distributed network monitoring supported (thanks to a common database and distributed network of the monitoring servers and agents).
2) Web UI for watching the results and managing the system.