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News on Network Monitoring, Mapping, Searching, and Inventory Software

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April 15, 2020
Updated the admin program LANState to the v9.4. What's new:
- WEB: Added displaying widgets on the network map. Now you can place charts, diagrams, and gauges next to host icons.
- Added ability to replace an icon for any host on the map without changing icons for other hosts of that type. Therefore, you can create hosts with any arbitrary images!
- Added the spline type of lines (Bezier curves).
- Fixed the automatic font size scaling when the system display scaling is enabled.
- Added the current date substitution key for using in all checks that use file and folder paths. You can also use the date keys in the text file content monitoring (for example, you can search for log records referring to the current day).
- Added the "date changed" condition to the "File/folder date" check.
- Added ability of adding new dependencies to a group of checks saving their previous dependency settings.
- Added the program data folder path configuration in the program settings.
- Added the program data folder path configuration in the program installation process.
- Added the program data folder exporting function for fast and easy program migration to another PC.
- Fixed the MIB browser compiler bug that did not allow importing some MIB files.
- Fixed the Slack and Telegram alert sending bug. Added support for the newer version of the TLS protocol.
- WEB: Fixed a bug concerning the substitution keys in the user context menu.
- WEB: Added ability to enable the slideshow mode only in one web browser (local settings).
- WEB: Added ability to scale the web map.


April 2, 2020
The share access monitoring program was updated to the version 5.2. What's new:
- Improved the filter operation in the log.
- Fixed the Unicode character problem in the log.
- Fixed the automatic font scaling when the system scaling is enabled.
- Fixed other found bugs.


March 11, 2020
The bandwidth monitoring program was updated to the version 3.9. What's new:
- Added a dedicated service for the program monitoring (the watchdog) which will improve the program stability and provide the flawless operation in case of critical errors.
- Added a new setting "Wait till the check finishing on the service stop". If you disable this setting, this can speed up the monitoring service restarting.
- Added the "Port / Protocol" column to the statistics table "Volume by IP addresses".
- Fixed the host loading and saving (a common file format is now used).
- Fixed found bugs.


March 5, 2020
10-Strike Network Inventory has been updated to the v9.03. What's new:
- Improved the problem searching dialog. Added searching by a problem and by a PC group in the diagnostic center.
- Added ability to audit OLP/Downgrade products. We have added a field for managing software batch and software group purchasing.
- Improved the license auditing.
- Added the product filter to the License Manager.
- Added ability to combine various products with different names (using a product group). Sometimes, product names can very while you can use common license keys for the group products. This function solves the problem.


March 2, 2020
10-Strike Network Diagram was updated to the v3.6. What's new:
- Added the new spline type of lines (Bezier curves).
- Updated the program look. Improved the menu.
- Added ability to create hyperlinks on the diagram.
- Added printing the host properties card with the host information (addresses, comments, etc.)
- Added ability to lock the host icon layer.
- Improved the program performance for working with custom host icons on the network diagram.
- Improved the copy-paste and scrolling functions when the diagram scale is changed.
- Improved the overlaying object behavior when you click on it.
- Improved the line importing from Visio (with saving all the line properties).


January 29, 2020
Our Network Monitor was updated to the v6.4. What's new:
- Added a dedicated service for the internal monitoring of our monitoring server (the watchdog) which will improve the program stability and provide the flawless operation.
- Pro: Added ability to create a custom context map menu for actions on hosts. Add your own menu items and execute these functions for a selected host while overviewing the map or the check list.
- Added ability to switch to a secondary backup address automatically in a monitoring check for a host if the dependent check is failed.
- Added ability to record all incoming messages from Syslog and SNMP trap to the log file ignoring the filter settings.
- Pro: Web: Added displaying widgets on the map (charts, diagrams).
- Pro: Web: Added displaying double lines on the map.
- Pro: Web: Added the "Remember me" function for the web UI allowing you to log on without the password authorization.
- Pro: Added ability to edit the database path for the web UI in the program settings (the Web section).
- Added the VS and JS script execution time timeout limitation setting. This allows you to execute heavy scripts that work longer than the default 5-second timeout (for example, a VBScript that is used in the "Folder size" can work quite slow on "heavy" folders).
- Added a new check status called "Not checked" for cases when a host has the "Do not run other checks if... the first check is failed/passed"option enabled and this condition is satisfied.
- Added a button for testing the Slack and Telegram notifications to the program settings.
- Pro: Optimized loading of the big number of log records (Syslog, SNMP trap, and alert log).
- Removed the automatic expanding of all host groups in the host tree on the program start.
- Pro: Web: Fixed the sound notification issue in the web UI.


December 30, 2019
10-Strike Network Inventory has been updated to the v8.9. What's new:
- Improved the License Manager functionality.
- Added ability to specify FQDN computer names (Fully Qualified Domain Name) when collecting the data using Clients.
- Added ability to count the number of licenses for a group of products. You can create a list of products for your specific product grouping.
- Added ability to send out alerts once a day in the specified time.


December 26, 2019
LANState v9.3 released. What's new:
- Added ability to display indicators and widgets on the map. Now you can place charts, diagrams, and gauges right on the network map near with host icons.
- Added a new check for monitoring bandwidth on a network interface. Monitor the average network bandwidth and its deviation from thresholds.
- Added displaying numeric and string parameters inside the line, area, or device icon captions on the network map.
- Added the measure unit and the monitored parameter name settings to each monitoring check. This information is used on charts (on the vertical axis) and widgets.
- Added the multiplier parameter to monitoring check settings. This multiplier is used for the automatic conversion of the check result to necessary measure units (for numerical check results). For example, you can convert bytes to megabytes in the traffic counter check.
- Added hiding/displaying map objects (lines, areas, hosts) as an action in response to the check results.
- Added changing the area color as an action in response to the check results.
- Added sending notifications to Slack and Telegram.
- Added getting the variable values in the MIB browser over SNMP. The GET and GETNEXT requests are supported. You can now save a full SNMP dump from a device to a file.
- Added the "result is in range" condition in the "External Application" check.
- Added the timeout setting in the "External Application" check. You can now set a time limit for the application execution.
- Added an option for the SNMP check conditions allowing detecting whether a string value is "empty" or "not empty".
- Added the "Request type" parameter in the SNMP check. You can receive values with a variable OID index with help of the GET NEXT request.
- Added the "Maximum script execution time" setting (limiting the execution time for VBScript and JavaScript) to the program settings.
- Added ability to connect to any namespace in the WMI check.
- The "Switch port" check can now return the switch port number for a host. You can display the port number on a host connection line on the map using the substitution keys.
- Added the host system date parameter (oid conversion to a readable format from hex.
- Added the automatic text replacement in the sender's IP and OID (the SNMP trap monitoring).


December 3, 2019
Today, we celebrate 10-Strike's 20-year anniversary!
On this day, we registered 20 years ago.


November 11, 2019
Our network monitor has been updated to the v6.3. What's new:
- Pro: Added ability to display indicators and widgets on the map. Now you can place charts, diagrams, and gauges right on the network map near with host icons.
- Added the hard drive work load monitoring support.
- Added the web server response code monitoring to the HTTP/HTTPS check.
- Added the POST request monitoring to the HTTP/HTTPS check.
- Added the keyword existence monitoring (on a web page) to the HTTP/HTTPS check.
- The "Switch port" check can now return the switch port number for a host. You can display the port number on a host connection line on the map using the substitution keys.
- Pro: Added a mini map that enables you to navigate easier on large maps.
- Pro: Added ability to import network maps from 10-Strike LANState.
- Pro: Added the parameter filter fields to the log watching windows for SNMP trap and Syslog.
- Pro: Added ability to delete old records in the SNMP trap and Syslog logs.
- Pro: Added the map object grid alignment (with a configurable step).
- Pro: Added displaying the current map scaling ratio in the status bar.
- Added ability to configure the data storage folder during the program installation.
- Added ability of adding dependencies to a group of checks saving its previous settings. For example, if some checks already have some dependencies configured, a newly added dependency will not overwrite the older ones.
- Pro: Added displaying the host counter on the status bar of the map window.
- Pro: Fixed displaying Google Maps as a map background. The map provider was replaced to Open Street Map.
- Pro: Improved the program performance in case of working with user icons on the map.
- Pro: Improved the program performance in case of loading logs.
- Pro: Fixed the map scrolling issue in case of the device searching on the map.
- Pro: Fixed the icon copy/paste function in case when maps have different scaling ration.


November 7, 2019
Updated 10-Strike LANState Pro to the v9.2. What's new:
- Added the web server response code monitoring to the HTTP/HTTPS check.
- Added the POST request monitoring to the HTTP/HTTPS check.
- Added the keyword existence monitoring (on a web page) to the HTTP/HTTPS check.
- Added the hard drive work load monitoring support.
- Added ability to specify host MAC addresses manually in the Network Scanning Wizard. This helps you to build the network diagram in cases when host MAC addresses cannot be detected automatically.
- Added ability to split captions of a line to two parts and display them on the line endings instead of the line middle. This enables you to display switch connection ports for hosts.
- Added displaying the current map scaling ratio in the status bar.
- Fixed displaying Google maps on the background. Google map was changed to Open Street Map.
- Fixed building links between a switch and hosts when adding it to the map from the new device searching process.
- Fixed the map scrolling to the searched host's location when the map scaling is changed.
- Fixed ability to copy/paste host icons over the map when the map scaling is enabled.
- Fixed saving the line feeds in the monitoring check description.


September 3, 2019
Our monitoring tool has been updated to the v6.2. What's new:
- Added support for sending notifications to Slack and Telegram.
- Added the "Current events" window displaying all the last program messages (alerts, syslog, traps).
- Added displaying the check description in the list of dependent checks.
- Added a new setting "Wait till the check finishing on the service stop". If you disable this setting, this can speed up the monitoring service restarting.
- Pro: The new installation package uses the Firebird v3 database. The Firebird 2.5 -> Firebird 3 migration is described in the help system.
- Pro: Added a new map object - the image. For example, you can load a photo of your server rack and place the server and other icons on it.
- Pro: Added ability of adding map links to any map object (line, area, host).
- Pro: The statistics file storage clearing is now performed by the task scheduler based on a pre-configured task for that.
- Pro: Added the column limitation and improved the table icon alignment algorithm.
- Pro: Added displaying the number of the Netflow statistics strings on the Netflow settings window.
- Pro: Web: Added sound notifications in the web interface.
- Pro: Web: Added ability to scale the map (use the mouse scrolling wheel with CTRL).
- Pro: Web: Added ability to move the map with mouse.
- Added searching for Unicode text strings on HTML pages in the HTTP/HTTPS check.
- Added the "Not checked" status for checks which were not executed according to the host setting "Do not run other checks from the list if... the first check is passed/failed..." is enabled.
- Added displaying captions like "port 1 | port 2" at both line ends using "|" as a divider.
- Improved the counted formula check operation in the case of counting the traffic bandwidth.


September 2, 2019
The Network Diagrammer was updated to the v3.5. What's new:
- Added displaying the host parameters (MAC, IP, name) in the icon label.
- Fixed displaying Google maps on the background. Google map was changed to Open Street Map.
- Added the column limitation and improved the table icon alignment algorithm.
- Added ability to split captions of a line to two parts and display them on the line endings instead of the line middle. This enables you to display switch connection ports for hosts.
- Added ability to specify host MAC addresses manually in the Network Scanning Wizard. This helps you to build the network diagram in cases when host MAC addresses cannot be detected automatically.
- Improved the icon importing from Visio templates.
- Updated the network adapter manufacturer database.
- Fixed displaying MAC addresses from the ARP cache (received via SNMP).


August 24, 2019
10-Strike NIE was updated to the v8.88. What's new:
- Added the OEM product key detection for MS Windows and Office. You can manage the OEM keys and link it to the purchasing documents.
- Added detection of the non-activated MS Windows and Office products. You can detect computers where the software is installed but not activated.
- Added the asset tag generation based on templates. You can specify asset tags for the list of equipment.
- Added the IP address filtering on the Client application start. When the client is started by a logon script, computers from specific networks will be filtered out.
- Added the report search based on keywords and the preview function. You can easily find a necessary report and watch the report format immediately.
- Added displaying the Windows release version. It is helpful for Windows 10 because the OS version remains unchanged while the release version changes with updates.
- Added the Linux packet report.
- Fixed bugs.


June 11, 2019
The file/folder access auditting program was updated to the version 5.1. What's new:
- Added ability to split and cut the file access log by days. The program can create a new access log every day and name it according to the date.
- Fixed minor bugs.


June 7, 2019
Published several new articles on how to monitor various stuff (CPU temperature, fan speed, voltage, HDD S.M.A.R.T., IP cameras and DVR) over the network using our NM Pro and a list of useful OID's for the managed switch monitoring.


June 3, 2019
We have released the new version 9.1 of 10-Strike LANState Pro. What's new:
- WEB: Refreshed the web interface completely. Fixed the memory leaks. Increased the performance. Added support for links to files and other maps. Fixed the polyline splicing. Added the map scrolling using the right mouse button. Added displaying the warning levels. Added displaying the new image objects.
- Added a new map object - image. For example, you can load a photo of your server rack and place the server and other icons on it.
- Added the column limitation and improved the table icon alignment algorithm.
- WEB: Fixed the static web map displaying bug in the web UI.


April 15, 2019
The 15-year anniversary for our network admin tool LANState Pro is today! We start the anniversary discounts for LANState.


April 5, 2019
10-Strike Network Inventory Explorer is updated to the v8.8. What's new:
- Added ability to find and scan SNMP devices. The program detects the following inventory information from network printers: serial number, printed sheets, toner level (%), cartridge name (if supported).
Devices found with the help of the SNMP protocol are automatically added to Dictionaries according to the device types. The information is displayed on the "Data" - "Warehouse accounting" tab, in the "SNMP devices" and "Equipment in rooms" sections.
- Added ability to correct and edit the memory module type. Added a window for editing the memory type for cases when the program does not detect the type correctly from the system (the system might not return the memory type).


March 19, 2019
10-Strike LANState Pro 9.0 released (new major version). What's new:
- Added new alerting levels (different from binary states like "passed/failed"). You can now create intermediate states indicating that the parameter has a critical value close to the failure level. For example, you can create the "Warning" alert level with the critical threshold set to 80% of the failure limit value.
- Added a scheduler for checks. You can specify time for the check execution.
- Added ability to generate continuous notifications while a check remains in the failed state.
- Added ability to monitor the folder size (based on the VBScript check).
- Added ability to duplicate checks (and create checks using templates) on the monitoring settings window for a host.
- Added ability to specify MAC addresses manually for hosts in the Network Scanning Wizard. This can help to build a network map in a case when MAC addresses are not detected automatically.
- Added the folder date monitoring to the "File age" check.
- Removed the "| awk '{print "result=",$1}'" script code from the default SSH check (the custom command mode). If you use this mode, please add this code to your script text or the execution string.
- WEB: Fixed the displacement of lines connected in the program which occurred in the web UI.
- WEB: Fixed the static web map image updating issue (caused by the web browser caching).
- WEB: Fixed the map cutting issue in the web UI during the map zooming in the program.
Learn more here...


March 1, 2019
Our bandwidth monitor was updated to the version 3.8. What's new:
- Added ability to exclude the broadcast packets from the traffic counting.
- Fixed sending the agent settings from the console.
- Fixed error in the traffic volume counting.
- Fixed the report division into days.
- Fixed the DNS cache updating.


January 21, 2019
The share access monitoring tool was updated to the version 5.0. What's new:
- Combined two logs (the connection and alert logs) into one "File and folder access log".
- Added the file changing event (when files are edited and saved) to the monitoring alert.


December 21, 2018
10-Strike Network Monitor (Pro) v6.1 released. What's new:
- Pro: Added the device type and icon editing. You can import new icons from Visio icon libraries.
- Added the dashboard configuration. You can place widgets displaying parameters from various checks and save its settings.
- Added a new widget type displaying a monitored parameter's value chart for the last hour.
- Added ability to generate the "Report on host checks" automatically in the Scheduler and send the report via email.
- Added an option for the SNMP check conditions allowing detecting whether a string value is "empty" or "not empty".
- Pro: Added an ability to monitor some critical S.M.A.R.T. hard drive parameters separately.
- Added displaying the "Enabled by schedule" status in lists for checks with configured scheduler.
- Added displaying the polled host address in the MIB browser.
- Pro: Added ability to rename network maps.
- Pro: Web: Optimized a few the web UI functions for speed. The application works much faster in the browser window now.
- Pro: Web: Improved the web interface's design.
- Pro: Web: Fixed all found bugs in the web UI.
- Pro: Fixed the line connections for polylines on the network map.
Learn more here...


October 21, 2018
10-Strike Network Inventory Explorer is updated to the v8.7. What's new:
Added a lot of new functions to the License Manager.
- Added the OLP/Downgrade license audit. These license packets allow installing older versions of products.
The program counts all versions of installed products and counts the number of remained licenses helping you to prevent the over-using of licenses with-in the packet.
- Added the license expiration audit.
You can see which and how many product licenses are expiring so you have the information on what number of licenses you need to renew or add new licenses if necessary.
- Added ability to maintain the software license suppliers.
You can now see which licenses were purchased form a specific supplier.
- Added the purchased license key audit.
You can see all purchased license keys for a product, including the number of keys reserved for OLP/Downgrade.
The program checks the key statuses, finds expired keys, duplicated keys, and keys installed in wrong departments.


October 23, 2018
10-Strike Network Monitor Pro v6.0 released. What's new:
- The program has got a dashboard for displaying dynamically changed parameters and values from host checks. You can now watch the state of the most important hosts with help of these new graphic indicators and gauges. When you click on an indicator the program will open a detailed chart displaying how the parameter changed in time.
- Added creation of new alert levels (different from binary states like "passed/failed"). You can now create intermediate states indicating that the parameter has a critical value close to a failure. For example, you can create the "Warning" alert level with the critical threshold set to 80% of the failure limit value.
- Pro: Added hiding/displaying map objects (lines, areas, hosts) as an action in response to the check results.
- Pro: Added changing the area color as an action in response to the check results.
- Pro: Added displaying the string and integer values of the monitored parameters on the area, line, and icon captions.
- Added ability to specify a measure unit and the parameter name in the check properties. This information will be used for displaying axis captions on charts and on the dashboard's indicators.
- Added a multiplier setting to the check properties. This multiplier is used for the automatic conversion of the check result to necessary measure units (for numerical check results). For example, you can convert bytes to megabytes in the traffic counter check.
- Added the new "Bandwidth on network interface" check. Now you can monitor deviation of the network bandwidth from the average bandwidth value. You can configure thresholds and alert levels.
- Added ability to monitor the folder size (based on the VBScript check).
- Added ability to duplicate a host with all its checks and parameters (and create hosts using templates). Addresses will be replaced to new in the dependencies and counted checks.
- Added getting the variable values in the MIB browser over SNMP. The GET and GETNEXT requests are supported. You can now save a full SNMP dump from a device to a file.
- Pro: Added ability to add selected hosts to the map from the monitoring database.
- Pro: Added ability to assign map icons to hosts from the monitoring database.
Learn more here...


October 22, 2018
Our share monitor was updated to the version 4.9. What's new:
- Added ability to detect users who deleted or created a file in a folder. You will need to enable the share access audit for this and the program will help you with this.
- Fixed minor bugs.


October 1, 2018
10-Strike Network Diagram v3.4 released. What's new:
- Fixed the field text copying in the host description using the Ctrl+C hotkey.
- Fixed the map menu operation in cases when the host properties window was opened.
- Fixed the big A letter typing in the host description. The Shift+A hotkey brought up the alignment dialog.
- Fixed a problem with displaying Google Maps.
- Fixed the window scaling issue in Windows 7 and 8.


September 28, 2018
10-Strike LANState Pro 8.9 released. What's new:
- Added ability to remove our product name with the brand and replace these to yours in the web UI and reports. Now you can specify the program and the company name which will be specified on the top of the report and on the main web UI's web page. You can also specify your own technical support and home site URLs.
- WEB: Added displaying the check statuses on a balloon hint.
- Added displaying the check description on a balloon hint for a host icon.
- Added the text auto-replacement in the sender's IP and OID (in the SNMP trap monitoring).
- Increased the maximum number of formula elements in "Counted check" from 20 to 50.
- Improved the ICMP ping check.
- Fixed the key value processing starting from the CHECK10 key in the "Counted formula check".
- Fixed the SNMP trap message cutting in the log (that happened thanks to the system symbols). Now, it is automatically displayed as HEX strings.
- Fixed an error occurred when generating a report on a monitored parameter for an hour or a period.
- Fixed the incurrent MAC address displaying in the ARP cache received via SNMP.
- Fixed a bug in the HTTPS check.


July 10, 2018
We have published a new article on How to monitor managed switches using SNMP. In the article, you can out find how to monitor CPU usage, temperature, uptime, voltage, line state, and other vital parameters on switches over the network using our program 10-Strike Network Monitor or 10-Strike Network Monitor Pro.


March 20, 2018
10-Strike LANState Pro was updated and the version 8.8 released. What's new:
- Added ability to search a substring only in the last added lines in a text file in the "File existence" check. This works much faster for large files than searching in a whole file.
- Added ability to select a cartridge in the toner level network printer monitoring check.
- Added displaying a progress bar for the line drawing process during the network topology discovery.
- Fixed a critical bug in the web UI (in the static map mode).
- Fixed recognizing network printers as switches in some cases.
- Fixed a bug with displaying Google maps.
- Fixed an error in the Event Log record check. The last added record was not processed.
- Fixed the timeout bug in the SSH check.


February 15, 2018
10-Strike Network Monitor version 5.5 was released. What's new:
- Pro: Web: Added the fully-functional network map to the web UI!
- Pro: Web: Added the task scheduler management to the web UI.
- Added the new "Combined check results" monitoring check type.
- Added the new "Expression check" monitoring check type.
- Added ability to select a cartridge in the printer toner/ink level monitoring check.
- Pro: Added changing the line color on the network map according to the check result of one of the line's hosts.
- Pro: Added the network map file import from 10-Strike Network Diagram (this is our network topology discovery program).
- Pro: Added ability to manually link map icons to existing hosts from the monitoring database.
- Added ability to generate continuous notifications while a check is in the failed state.
- Added a scheduler for checks. You can specify time for the check execution.
- Added ability to substitute user values instead of OID received in the SNMP trap ("Settings" - "SNMP").
- Added the SNMPv3 support for SNMP traps.
- Added configuring the time interval during the check creation.
- Added moving folders to the host tree root.
- Added substitution keys for the current date in all checks where file and folder paths are used. You can also use the date keys in the text file content monitoring check (for example, if you want to find a log record for the current day).
- Pro: Added editing the check properties and notification settings using the icon's context menu of the network map.
- Pro: Added tool tips indicating the check statuses for icons on the network map.
- Pro: If no monitoring server is specified for a host, the program will tell you about this in the check status field.
- Pro: The program will propose you to create the database backup task in the system Scheduler.
- Pro: Moved the SMTP server settings (for sending emails from the program) from the database to a local file. This allows you to make various settings for various monitoring servers.
- Pro: Fixed a bug when the program did not disable previously specified notification methods.
- Fixed the issue with missing labels for vertical and horizontal lines.
- Fixed saving and loading polylines.


January 19, 2018
Our share access monitor was updated to the version 4.8. What's new:
- Added ability to send delayed alert emails. The program groups alert notifications for a specified time interval and sends all the notifications them in one message for the interval (or once a day).
- Added ability to send emails through a proxy server.
- Fixed saving the list sorting mode.


Read archived news: 2015-2017 | 2013-2014 | 2009-2012 | 2005-2008

All products
network inventory program
Network Inventory Explorer
Inventory Hardware and Software on Network Computers
network monitoring program
Network Monitor
Monitor Network Servers, Services, Managed Switches, etc.
visual network mapper and monitor
Monitor and Manage Network Hosts on a Visual Map, Create Network Maps
bandwidth monitoring program
Bandwidth Monitor
Monitor Network Bandwidth and the Internet Traffic Usage
network diagramming program
Network Diagram
Create Network Diagrams, Discover Network Topology
file searching program for network shares and FTP
Network File Search
Search Files on Network Shares and FTP Servers
share access monitoring program
Connection Monitor
Audit Remote User Access to Shares (Folders and Files)
free port scanner
Network Scanner (NEW!)
Free Program for Scanning Networks, Hosts, and TCP Ports