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Network Software for Windows - Network Monitoring, Administration, Management, Inventory, Mapping, Diagramming

10-Strike Software is a network software developing company. The product line includes the network monitoring software, computer inventory software, network mapping and management software, LAN topology discovery and diagramming program, file searching program, bandwidth monitoring and Internet traffic usage tool, and file and folder user access auditing program (for the share access audit).

We sell our products world-wide since 1999. In 2003, the company concentrated on creating and marketing administrative and networking applications (primarily for the Windows platform).


Network Monitor - a network monitoring system for controlling servers (software and hardware) and equipment
Network Inventory - a program for scanning computers over the network and creating reports on hardware and software
LANState - a network mapping and management software
Network Diagram - a program for scanning and drawing the local network topology
Bandwidth Monitor - LAN and Internet traffic meter
Network File Search - search files and document on local network
Connection Monitor Pro - audit remote user access to shares, file, and folders
Network Scanner - a free lightweight IP scanner for seraching network hosts, IP addresses, opened TCP ports


Network Monitor

10-Strike Network Monitor is a monitoring program that can monitor the operation of computers, servers, printers, UPS, managed switches (via SNMP), CCTV (via RTSP), SQL databases, and other devices or network services using common network protocols, and thus ensure a prompt response to various events or failures. See the response times charts in real-time, configure alerts, and be notified when your services work slower or go down.

Network Inventory Explorer

10-Strike Network Inventory Explorer is a powerful computer inventory software which allows you to maintain the network computer inventory database. Scan and watch hardware and software on computers remotely, track hardware and software changes, plan upgrades, audit licenses and software used, generate reports on installed and hardware, collect the inventory data, and export it to your database. The Pro version has got advanced SAM/ITAM functions.

LANState Pro

10-Strike LANState is a simple NMS. This visual network mapper and monitor allows you to see the state of your network at any time on a graphical map. Monitor your servers, switches, drives, and services in real time. Configure alerts and be notified on failures or any other specific events. Manage your hosts, workstations, and servers using the program's visual LAN map.

Network Diagram

10-Strike Network Diagram builds diagrams of local networks and draws network topology by scanning switches using the SNMP protocol. The program contains a feature-rich diagram editor and an object library with a wide range of device icons. You can save diagrams in popular graphical formats, copy and paste it to a document, or export it to Microsoft Visio for further processing. Or edit network diagrams just in our program because it is much faster than Visio!

Bandwidth Monitor

10-Strike Bandwidth Monitor is a traffic and bandwidth monitoring program which allows you to obtain online data on the traffic volume utilized by hosts on your LAN (switches, computers, routers, etc.), calculates and displays the current bandwidth. See the bandwidth graphs in real-time, configure alerts and be notified when hosts download more traffic than the configured limit.

Network File Search

The 10-Strike Network File Search program can search files on your LAN shares and FTP servers. Specify a search string, quickly find the necessary files, and save handy reports. The program uses fast multithreading searching engine and works very fast. It allows you to search content in documents as well.

Connection Monitor Pro

10-Strike Connection Monitor Pro monitors and audits access to shares, folders, and files by remote users via the local network on file servers, records all sessions to a log file. The program generates screen, sound, and e-mail notifications on connections. Monitor file and folder access, audit the file deletion and creation. Learn who deleted files in a share. The log file stores the exhaustive data on connected users, folders and files accessed.

Network Scanner

10-Strike Network Scanner is a free lightweight LAN and TCP port scanner and network address detecting software. Scan your LAN, find all connected devices, and detect their IP addresses in a few seconds. The program is absolutely free!



"Network Monitor"

PC Magazine/RE's annual software review "Best Soft 2015"
"This pro­gram al­lows you to mon­it­or the IT in­fra­struc­ture start­ing from switches and serv­ers, and end­ing with UPS and door sensors in racks with equip­ment polled via the SN­MP pro­tocol. It is al­lowed to con­trol not only the device op­er­ab­il­ity, but to check wheth­er some device's para­met­ers are bey­ond crit­ic­al thresholds. For ex­ample, this can be the CPU tem­per­at­ure, voltage, toner level in a print­er, sig­nal level in a fiber op­tic line, or amount of free space on disks. There are sev­er­al meth­ods of no­ti­fic­a­tions avail­able for an ad­min­is­trat­or. Charts dis­play­ing para­met­ers help pre­dict­ing trends be­fore a real fail­ure oc­curs"

"Network Inventory Explorer"

Award Winner "RU Software 2014: innovations and achievements" by PC Magazine/RE.
"PCs are polled in the back­ground mode provid­ing the ad­min­is­trat­or with up-to-date re­ports on com­pon­ents and pro­grams in­stalled on com­puters. The pack­age al­lows you to col­lect the in­form­a­tion from PC be­hind routers and NAT ex­tract­ing data from laptops and An­droid gad­gets of mo­bile em­ploy­ees."

"Network Inventory Explorer"

"This is a power­ful tool for cent­ral­ized in­vent­ory of hard­ware and soft­ware of com­puters on a LAN. It al­lows you to dis­cov­er com­puters on the net­work and col­lect the in­form­a­tion about them in a data­base... The abil­ity to se­lect com­puters in the re­port whose con­fig­ur­a­tions sat­is­fy a giv­en con­di­tion sim­pli­fies tasks such as plan­ning up­grades."

"Network Inventory Explorer"

Award Winner "Best Software 2013" by PC Magazine/RE
"The con­veni­ent sys­tem of the IT in­fra­struc­ture in­vent­ory is es­pe­cially use­ful in SMB com­pan­ies with their "zoo" of equip­ment. The sys­tem re­cords hard­ware brands, PC con­fig­ur­a­tion, soft­ware ver­sions and li­censes. One of the most use­ful fea­tures is track­ing changes in equip­ment, which makes it pos­sible to de­tect fail­ure, loss or re­place­ment of com­pon­ents."


Network Computing Awards 2014 "LAN­State Pro 7 is a fi­nal­ist for the 2014 Net­work Com­put­ing Awards. The pro­gram was nom­in­ated for the "New Product of the Year" Award cat­egory by the "Net­work Com­put­ing" magazine (UK)."


PC Magazine/RE's annual software review "Best Software 2005"
"It is not so mighty and "heavy" as HP Open­View, but it is quite func­tion­al and easy to use. The soft­ware provides auto­mat­ic form­ing of a net­work map, and al­lows or­gan­iz­ing serv­er and work­sta­tion mon­it­or­ing, provides ba­sic re­mote man­age­ment fa­cil­it­ies..."

"Network Diagram"

10-Strike Net­work Dia­gram was awar­ded by PC Magazine/RE in the "Best­Soft 2010" con­test!

"Bandwidth Monitor"

10-Strike Band­width Mon­it­or 3.0 is a fi­nal­ist for the 2015 Net­work Com­put­ing Awards. The pro­gram was nom­in­ated for the "IT Op­tim­isa­tion Product of The Year" Award cat­egory by "Net­work Com­put­ing UK" - a pop­u­lar net­work­ing magazine in the Great Brit­an.


Joe B:

"I have been us­ing LAN­State for a month now, and it has al­lowed me to fix the net­work is­sues be­fore users real­ize something happened. It keeps my VPN con­nec­tions up and al­lows me to mon­it­or and ac­cess the print­er serv­er's and work­sta­tion re­sources all from one place. I have 109 net­work en­tit­ies lis­ted so far and will be adding an­oth­er 35 later this month. Your soft­ware has saved me hours of work be­ing able to work from my desk in­stead of go­ing to dif­fer­ent build­ings and of­fices to ac­cess the re­sources. The abil­ity to keep my VPN con­nec­tions alive 24/7 is a bless­ing in it­self. I highly re­com­mend the soft­ware."

"Network Monitor"
Cristian Locicero, C.L. INFORMATICA, Italy:

"Con­grat­u­la­tions on the speed with which you have up­dated the "Net­work Mon­it­or Pro" pro­gram. I have been try­ing NM Pro for a few days and I think it is an ex­cel­lent product that is simple, very func­tion­al and scal­able, the type of NMS that I could of­fer to my cus­tom­ers (PMI)."

"Network Monitor"
Ivan Simkin, MTS, Russia:

"10-Strike Net­work Mon­it­or has been re­peatedly noted for good func­tion­al­ity from the top man­age­ment of our com­pany. The last hap­pi­ness / mis­for­tune was a big ac­ci­dent on our net­work, no­ti­fic­a­tions of which reached the man­age­ment via SMS."

Scott M.:

"I was very im­pressed with the amount of con­trol that the soft­ware could give you over a net­work that I am man­aging. I was test­ing a num­ber of oth­er map­ping soft­ware at the time but none could do what LAN­State pro could do."

Andrew H:

"I also wanted to tell you how much I like the abil­ity of im­port­ing pre­vi­ous scans in­to a cur­rent scan. This pro­gram has been the most valu­able net­work tool I have used yet."

Renato M:

"Many thanks for your ex­cel­lent sup­port. Ac­tu­ally it works very fine and it even finds the un­man­aged switches (hub) in between; it is a won­der­ful tool."

Arthur B:

"After con­duct­ing an ex­tens­ive search for soft­ware that would auto­mat­ic­ally de­tect net­work devices, and then pro­duce a net­work dia­gram to graph­ic­ally rep­res­ent the net­work lay­out, we found LAN­State Pro. This soft­ware saves time and money pro­du­cing pro­fes­sion­al net­work schem­at­ics with ease. LAN­State Pro provides not only a snap­shot of the net­work but also the de­tails such as IP, MAC, and status in­form­a­tion at the touch of a but­ton. From a se­cur­ity point of view it also al­lows the cli­ent to see who is con­nec­ted to the net­work to as­sist in pre­vent­ing un­au­thor­ized ac­cess. Simply a great product. Thanks."

Ivan S:

"Thank you very much. Your LAN­State is the best pro­gram! Now, I know ex­actly what hap­pens on my net­work at every mo­ment. It is very simple to man­age all com­puters us­ing your pro­gram. LAN­State com­bines a friendly in­ter­face and many ne­ces­sary fea­tures for the net­work ad­min­is­tra­tion and man­age­ment"



Networking Software We offer all our networking products bundled together with a 40% discount. Buy one of our bundles and save money! We offer "10-Strike Full Network Admin Bundle" including all our 7 networking products listed above offering a comprehensive set of functions which can be useful for any system administrator, IT professional, or LAN engineer. Learn more about bundles...



10-Strike Software has resellers worldwide. Primary resellers are located in the USA, Germany, Russian Federation, Japan, Switzerland, and Turkey.

Our networking products are installed and used in many thousands of organizations all over the world.

Free products have hundreds of thousands installations. The company takes part in various IT events like expos and conferences all over the world.


Network Device Monitoring

Monitor Managed Switches (Cisco, D-Link, HP, Huawei, etc.)

Server Monitoring

Network Topology Mapping

Network Management Using Graphic Map

Scan Computer Hardware Inventory

Scan Computer Software Installed

Scan Network Inventory and PC

Track Computer and Hardware Assets

Software License Management and Audit

Network Computer Inventory

Network Asset Management

How to get list of installed programs from remote computers over local network?

How to uninstall programs from remote computers?

How to remove shortcuts from startup on remote computers via the network?

Track Hardware Changes on Remote Computers

Track Software Changes on Computers

Network Topology Scanner and Diagram Builder

Plan and Prepare PC Hardware Upgrades

Monitor CPU Temperature, Fan Speed, and Voltage

Monitor Surveillance CCTV Systems, IP Cameras, DVR, or NVR

Monitor RTSP Video Stream Bitrate on IP Cameras, DVR/NVR, and Surveillance CCTV Systems

Monitor OPC Servers and CNC Machines

Monitor SSD NVMe and HDD SMART Health Parameters

Monitor SQL Databases, Requests, and DB Parameters

Monitor printer ink or toner over network

Monitor UPS Using SNMP

Monitor SNMP OID & Variable Value (Using MIB Tree)

Monitor REST API (JSON) variables and results

Monitor Wifi signal, WLAN, router

Scan Network and Search for IP Addresses, Hosts, Computers, Tablets, etc. (FREE program!)



September 10, 2024
Updated 10-Strike Bandwidth Monitor 4.3. What's new...


August 29, 2024
Updated our PC hardware & software inventory program to the v10.7. What's new...


August 28, 2024
Released 10-Strike Network Diagram the version 4.0. What's new...


July 17, 2024
Updated 10-Strike Network Monitor to the v7.6. Read what's new in our blog post >> Added the new geo-map function. Updated the motherboard temperature sensor library. Added the dynamic address support.


June 13, 2024
Updated 10-Strike LANState Pro. The version 10.3 released. What's new...


June 10, 2024
Released 10-Strike Connection Monitor Pro 6.0. What's new...